Easy Shopping Fundraisers


In addition to our formal fundraising events throughout the school year, FHM also participates in a number of passive fundraisers. Passive fundraising is a great way to get donations for our school without going outside of your daily activities and money expenditures.

Here are our current passive fundraisers with links

King Soopers Community Rewards – simply connect your Sooper Card to the Free Horizon Montessori Foundation, and FHM earns money every time you shop


Scrip Fundraising – allows subscribers to purchase electronic gift cards to hundreds of retailers. FHM receives up to 20% back on purchases. Scrip offers a mobile wallet app to keep track of your gift cards and balances.

enrollment code: 6BA78B7B646L7


Amazon Smile


Milk Caps for Moola


Box Tops for Education


Encourage family and friends to participate in our passive fundraisers to increase our earning potential

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